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Our tradition
How it all began
In 1984, the young vegan and raw foodist Winfried Holler started his own business with a lot of idealism: First, he sold delicious organic raw cereals, organic wholemeal bread, muesli, organic fruit and vegetables and unsulfurized dried fruits in the markets around his hometown of Buxtehude. A little later he opened the "specialist shop for whole food Keimling". From 1989, high-quality juicers, automatic dehydrators and high-performance blenders have been added to the range. The Keimling quality will soon spread throughout Germany - the Keimling Versand is born. Today, Keimling Naturkost is the first address for the raw vegan way of life. In Germany as in other European countries.
Our values
Healthy eating is important to us
Keimling Naturkost has grown strongly since the beginning. Nevertheless, our leitmotif has always remained the same over the years: only with a diet of unprocessed, unheated natural products can true health and a long life be achieved. In the meantime, vegan nutrition, organic and raw food have become the sustainable life plan of generations. Keimling Naturkost will continue to accompany you in the future with quality, passion and personal service. Honesty and trust are our top priority. You can rely on this today and in the future.
Keimling Naturkost once started as a one-man show of our founder and "best boss of all" Winfried Holler. Today we are the leading shipper in Europe for the vegan-raw delicious way of life. Of course, this is no longer possible with a corner shop and a rickety Bulli!
Their values
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