Pure ingredients. Potent formulas. Quality products.

You deserve to live a rich, healthy life. And we’re here to support you on that journey. From cutting edge nutritional concepts to exceptional customer service and expert guidance, we promise to become your definition of trusted quality.



We take a stringent approach to each and every ingredient: It has to be clean. It has to be fresh. It has to be the best. Because that’s what your body deserves.

Leaf and vitamins 



From multivitamins to high-potency vitamin D3, our formulations do more than merely address minimum nutritional requirements. Indeed, they often exceed Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) because they’re based on research that’s revealed what our bodies need for optimal health. 

Test tubes, leaf and dropper



How do you define a quality nutritional supplement? It has to be effective—or, simply put, the formula just has to work. That’s why we base our products off the latest research, but we also test them ourselves through clinical trials.

Scientists looking at computer screen


Our Values

Defined by passion. Driven by science. Dedicated to you.


You want to live a longer, healthier life.

At Life Extension, you come first. Everything else comes second. That’s why we’ve funded over $180 million toward anti-aging and disease research. And we don’t plan to stop anytime soon, because it’s paying off. Our pursuit of innovation has already made life better for millions of people.

connections.svg Connections

Your health is deeply personal. Understanding your body is the key to lasting wellness. At Life Extension, we connect with you as an individual, empowering you with the knowledge you need to reach your goals and live your best life.


Our formulas deliver nutrients and dosages that have been studied through clinical research. But, we constantly refine them as research opens new doors. We use only the finest raw ingredients, and rigorously verify every product’s ingredients through independent lab testing.


Independent research is the cornerstone of our mission. We fund studies, provide raw materials and lend our expertise to those pioneering new ways to advance wellness. Together, our quest to uncover answers will lead us all to richer, healthier lives.


We have stood before Congress. We have pushed the boundaries of science, even partnered with those at the frontier of machine learning. We are willing to fight for a future where the richness of health and longevity is available to everyone.